Contact Us at:
Richmond Corridor Association
PO Box 5947
Philadelphia, PA 19137
Fax 215-288-1043
Richmond Corridor Association Officers
Alan Berg, Jr. - President
Vance Coulston- Vice President
Steve Horton - Interim Secretary
Bruce Richman - Treasurer
What is the Port Richmond Corridor Association?
The RCA was established to unite businesses within a geographical location to improve and secure the industrial area. Through a joint effort with Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA) and Urban Industry Initiative (UII) the following improvements were established.
What do I get by joining?
  • Growth of membership will bring collective power in promoting issues of land use and occupancy certificates
  • Land use restructuring and zoning
  • Utility infrastructure
  • Street maintenance
  • Crime, vandalism, and dumping
  • Increased security and value in keeping and attracting employees
  • Published member vendor directory
  • Scheduled business card exchanges
  • Open monthly business meeting


Our Accomplishments

A. Improved signage in the area

1.  I-95 Access Signage.  The current Allegheny Avenue and Aramingo exit signs were modified per DOT standards to read "Port Richmond" as a destination.  I-95 exit signs were located at Allegheny and Aramingo Avenue North and southbound, to better inform traffic entering Port Richmond.

Street Signs.  The street signs were adopted to the standard street sign type that is situated above traffic signal posts, increasing legibility and visibility to the motorist.  These sign types would be situated at major intersections along Aramingo and Richmond Streets.  This was completed in 2006 and make traveling within the RCA's  boundary easier.

2.  Neighborhood Arrival Markers:  These signs mark the edges of the neighborhood.  They tie in thematically with the sign system and express the identity of Port Richmond.  Gateway signs clearly identify the major entrances to Port Richmond and enhance the visitor's experience.  They were located at the base of Allegheny and Aramingo Avenue exit ramps and the intersection of Richmond Street and Westmoreland Street.  In total roughly 100 of these markers dress the area.

3.  Destination Directional Signs:  These signs direct the motorist from the interstate or primary arterials to the primary Port Richmond destination points.

The Direction Philadelphia system could also be adopted for these sign types.  They are typically aluminum single-sided signs mechanically fastened to extruded aluminum or steel posts in a concrete footing.  Existing poles may be utilized where feasible to reduce costs and the number of obstructions.  The sign panels are a combination of paint, silkscreen and/or reflective copy; with a painted or anodized post.



B.Security Cameras

In 2007, the RCA, with the assistance of the Urban Industrial Initiative (UII) , outfitted the Richmond Corridor geographic area with three fixed security cameras and four mobile cameras.  These cameras were procured to become a deterrent to the "short dumping" occurring within the Port Richmond area.  After the initial $80,000 investment in the cameras themselves, the RCA supports the cost of the maintenance and support of these cameras.  The cameras have been highlighted in both the newspaper as well as the television media as a program that has worked in reducing short dumping, providing safety to the community, and a deterrent to more serious crimes.



C. Buying local

Buying, selling and promoting of products within the membership and local community.It is suprising how often a company or individual buys something from an out-of-the area vendor when equivalent products can be purchased locally, cheaper and with faster delivery. The RCA has made great strides in connecting business partners which, in turn, strengthens the RCA mission.

RCA 2008 Clean-Up


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